Life in community
We are the Willka Hampi collective, a group of a dozen people born in different parts of the world, part of the same family of spirit.
We live in community and our place is called the Casa de Copal. We are located in the Sacred Valley of Peru, with more than 20 years of existence.
We welcome those who are motivated to discover and share the sacred path of life and its dynamic of expansion.
Our process of discovery is based on the ancient tradition of circle consciousness. What, in modern terminology, could be called holistic therapy and consists of aligning body and spirit. This is to find our healthy relationship with nature, with others and with ourselves; discovering, understanding and integrating what is the purpose of Life.
The process is guided by our Grandparents of the traditions, who are the spirits of the sacred plants: Willka Yopo, Huachuma (San Pedro), Ayahuasca, Mama Coca & Tobacco, Amanita.
Our lineage is defined by our encounters with the Vaishnava tradition of India and the shamanic tradition of America with the Lakotas of North America, the Shuar Ashuar of Ecuador and the Piaroas of Venezuela in the lineage of Don Bolivar and Doña Elena, recognised masters with whom we are in close collaboration at the level of medicine and projects.
The purpose of our medicine is also to bring together people who would be motivated to collaborate in different projects in order to bring about the project of a new humanity. This is based on a common philosophical vision of life, the root of any authentic tradition.
People don’t need to have encountered the path before to join us. We are also fully open to receiving people who are already established on their path, for the richness of complementarity.
We speak English, French and Spanish.

Visits, welcome and arrival on Mondays at 11 a.m.
+51 900 578 630
Instagram: willkahampi
FB: Casa de Copal
FB: Willka Hampi